Monday, August 31, 2009

4th Birthday and First Day of Pre-K

Nothing like being a week late with this one. My computer and photo editing have not been cooperating this last week so tonight I finally got the pictures finished without a computer crash or two or get the point.

Anyway - Miss Maddie turned 4 the 23rd and we did celebrate. I have to admit that this was really her best birthday yet. Now don't get me wrong the others were great, but this year she was really into it. Turning 4 and having a party was right up her alley. Everyone came over after church and William did his Daddy thing at the grill cooking up Hamburgers and HotDogs. Maddie had a beautiful Ariel (the mermaid) cake made by our friend Mrs. Vickie. And well as you can tell from the following pictures she had a blast with the gift part...

We surprised her with a horse. There are two things she completely loves at this point in her life and that is princesses and horses. This birthday was a combination of both - princess decorations and cake along with a horse as a gift. Her 4 year dream come true.

So after all that excitement, she started VPK the next day. sniff, sniff -This means Kindergarten is only a year away - oh my!

Today she came home with her papers from last week and she is already learning to write her name - nothing like growing up all at once. But it is so much fun.



Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Looks like she had a great time!

Gail @ Scrappy Papers said...

Oh my I can't believe it! She is getting so big.