Monday, May 11, 2009

Splish Splash

I stumbled across this picture tonight and just had to post it now -

Could she be any happier that she is climbing into her new pool for the first time?

Maddie has been wanting a blue pool for - well - since last summer. We have been telling her since December that it was coming but the weather had to get warmer - since March she has thought is was warm enough. Finally on May 8th - William decided it was warm enough and suprised all of us. This is not the blue pools that Maddie has eyed in the "Star Store" aka Wal-Mart - but by the look on her face and how many times she has been swimming since Friday - she does not mind one bit that it is a blue cow trough from the Co-op. I mean what true little farm girl can go without swimming in a cow trough. (Hint her momma and aunt both did, and a few cousins)

So my little fish is having so much fun and wants to spend every waking minute in the pool - so I think "her boyfriend named" Daddy (I will explain that later) has made her summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we did! This is such an awesome blog! I feel like I can be part of them growing up, I really miss them. And of course all of the grown ups too (he,he).