Monday, February 28, 2011

New Additions

We had some new additions to the farm this weekend.

Our Australian Blue Heeler momma, Foxy, had 8 puppies.  What a woman!  She is a great momma, this is her second litter and she has done great with both of them.  What is extra special(to us) about this event is that we own the daddy too.  He was the first dog that W and I got right after we married.  We got him because the blue heeler that W had before we got married was getting on up in age and now we have puppies to replace Doc as he is getting on up in age.  Doc has been an amazing cow dog - afraid of nothing.  He always has had this mischievous look and has never let a cow - even those temper-mental mommas  - push him around.  We have a many of funny Doc stories (maybe I will have to share a few sometime).  For a long time he was our child. HAHA.

Another thing about the blue heelers that live at our house is that they are in deed cow dogs.  Those dogs love nothing else in life but to see a truck or a gator heading to the cow field because they know it is working time.

It is always interesting to watch a new litter grow and the personalities develop.  It's also fun to watch their coloring develop. 

But for this weekend, these two have kept a watch on the dog house and Miss Maddie has made sure that Daddy kept the dog feeder full so "Foxy can feed the puppies."  Lindsleigh just ooohs at them.

Oh by the way - anyone want a puppy? :)


1 comment:

Surrounded-By-Boys said...

awww......cute!! But puppy for us, thanks! LOL